Varicose veins are a very dangerous disease that scares many girls. With this disease, the veins in the legs often increase in size, becoming visible from the outside, which greatly impairs the aesthetic aspect. At the same time, the danger is not limited to appearance, as the disease can have serious consequences, so you should see a doctor immediately after the first signs of varicose veins on the legs of women. When approaching in early stages, it is possible to eliminate the disease without the use of surgical intervention, as the severity worsens, the likelihood of treatment with conservative therapy decreases.
The reasons for the development of varicose veins

Varicose veins are considered a disease that occurs when there is a genetic predisposition for it, as well as external stimulation due to inappropriate lifestyle or strong stress.The factors that affect the onset of the disease are multifaceted, therefore, three types of probable causes are conditionally distinct. The first, the most common, is a genetic alteration located in the vessels, the probable causes: thin walls, insufficient or weak valves. The second factor, hereditary, in people whose parents suffered from a similar disease, the risk of occurrence is many times greater. The third reason is quite bulky - a negative impact on the outside, but it often accompanies other listed factors.
The following external reasons can cause the first signs of varicose veins in the legs in women:
- Prolonged standing or sitting;
- The patient leads a measured life without physical effort;
- Bad habits, the most dangerous are smoking and drugs, but alcohol is not inferior in negative impact;
- Pathology in the function of valves;
- Various diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- Wrong diet;
- The negative impact of the environment;
- Obesity, overweight is one of the most dangerous factors for the development of varicose veins;
- Mechanical injuries to the legs;
- Wear uncomfortable clothes that compress blood vessels, such as high heels;
- Chronic constipation.
The main signs of varicose veins in the legs can be seen in people of different ages, but most of the time they are women over 40 years old. Each year, new average statistical minimums are established for the occurrence of varicose veins in young people. Even under the age of 20, symptoms can appear. At the same time, 70% of cases of varicose veins are registered in women. To avoid undesirable consequences, you need to consult a phlebologist who will diagnose and prescribe treatment.
Preparations for external use
Creams and ointments for varicose veins come in many different forms, depending on the brand.They act in the veins of the legs and relieve swelling, relieve pain, relieve the syndrome of heavy legs, tone the walls of the vessels and thin the blood a little.Despite a series of positive points, it is worth mentioning that it is difficult to achieve a complete recovery with the help of drugs, since the expansion of the walls is irreversible.
Most of the time, the treatment of varicose veins in the legs in women begins or is complemented with creams:
- Phlebotonics - its main effect is to improve the tone of the membranes, which helps to prevent new varicose veins. At the same time, it is possible to eliminate edema, burning, seizures, especially at night;
- Anticoagulants (blood thinning drugs) - the purpose of the drugs is to increase the parameters of the blood fluid, which prevents the formation of blood clots in the dilated vein and improves the blood flow upwards. Necessarily prescribed for thrombophlebitis. In addition, they reduce the force of edema in the legs and stimulate blood circulation;
- Anti-inflammatory. This includes non-steroidal medications that can help to reduce the inflammatory response.
Treatment with ointments as the main therapy is prescribed in the early stages of the disease, so preventing further development is the main task. In later stages, it acts as an integral part of a complex therapy or accelerates rehabilitation.
Drug therapy

More than other methods, medications are used, as they work in a complex way and accompany almost all stages of the treatment of the disease.If signs of varicose veins are found in the legs, in most cases, several medical methods are prescribed, only rare exceptions can lead to surgical intervention.
Most drugs have their own characteristics of use, dosage and side effects, so self-medication is not recommended, you should consult a specialist.
Before treating varicose veins on the legs of women, it is necessary to have tests to determine which treatment methods are most acceptable and to identify the cause of the disease.Medicines are conventionally divided into 3 categories: normalizing blood flow, preventing the risk of complications and eliminating symptoms.In order to qualitatively remove the symptoms of varicose veins in the legs in women and achieve regression of the disease, the drugs must be used in a complex way. There are such groups of drugs:
- Anticoagulants help to thin the blood;
- Phlebotonics improve the quality of the vessel walls;
- Angioprotectors prevent negative effects and reduce vascular permeability;
- Antioxidants help to eliminate oxidation reactions;
- Corticosteroids, antispasmodics and anti-inflammatories help to eliminate pain, swelling and inflammation;
- Vitamins and minerals, immunomodulators contribute to the regeneration of the body's properties to resist the development of pathologies.
The dosage and choice of medication should be made by the doctor. Often, drugs are used by a few different groups to have a complex effect.
Anticoagulants are indicated for use only when there is a risk of blood clots, that is, with increased blood density. Antioxidants are prescribed mainly at risk of complications. The vitamin complexes are shown to everyone, but must be selected individually based on the diagnostic data.
Varicose veins are called female diseases, but they are mainly associated with veins, therefore, in men they also manifest themselves quite frequently. The drugs described can be used by a strong half of society.

If it was not possible to cure varicose veins in the early stages, a more radical method - surgical intervention - can replace conservative therapy. Today, minimally invasive methods are more common, when only a small puncture is needed to inject drugs or devices. The standard method of surgery is used only if there is an increased risk of rupture of the thrombus.
Operations are shown in the presence of such manifestations in girls:
- Complex form of the disease;
- Pathology of the saphenous veins;
- Blood circulation is impaired, the patient's life becomes difficult;
- The occurrence of complications in the form of thrombosis or trophic ulcers;
- The rapid evolution of the disease, which causes risks to the patient's health.
At the same time, a number of contraindications include:
- High pressure;
- Ischemia;
- Diseases of infectious etiology that cause high fever;
- Elderly age;
- Inflammation of erysipelas or eczema;
- II-III trimesters of pregnancy.
Standard surgery is called phlebectomy.When it is done, the damaged vase is completely eliminated, this applies to both large and small branches.In the process, several small incisions are made, which only allows the use of local anesthesia. Cruzectomy is done in a similar way, when the vein is not removed, but only connected.
Most modern techniques - laser, sclero, ultrasound therapy. In the process, a small puncture is made with an insulin syringe or a small incision. A special substance (sclerosing) or device is injected into the vessel. As a result, the vein sticks and the blood circulation dries out in the vessel. Today, a new method of sclerotherapy has been developed, which allows the use of a foam-type medication.
Leeches treatment

Leeches are a remedy that has long been known for its positive effect on the blood. Thanks to them, several diseases, mainly cardiovascular ones, have been previously treated. Despite the availability of many modern techniques, hirudotherapy is still popular.
Leech saliva contains a unique substance - hirudin, which prevents blood from clotting and becomes more liquid. In that case, the medicine helps to dissolve blood clots. Therefore, the blood is not only diluted, but also clean. Doctors note that after the treatment, the edema is eliminated, the feet and legs stop hurting, the blood flow is normalized.
Hirudotherapy is prescribed at all stages of the disease. The standard course of treatment is 5 to 6 sessions. When taking the course, you should take a break of 3-4 months. During the procedure, 1-2 leeches and 3 more leeches are placed in the most problematic areas along the entire affected vein.
Healing exercises
Exercise and warm-up should be done every morning. By performing a complex of simple exercises, it is possible to significantly improve the quality of human health:
- Stand in a supine position on your back and raise your legs to a perpendicular position, you can throw them against the wall. Keep your legs in this position for 3 minutes. In this case, breathing should be slow, using the chest, not the stomach;
- Exercise bike lying down. It is necessary to perform the movement of the legs, which resembles a bicycle, the duration of the exercise is 3-5 minutes;
- Standing, stand on tiptoe, you don't need to get up, just leave 1 cm of the surface. The action is performed about 30 times;
- The standing position should be pumped to the toe with one foot and then with the other. The angle of the foot should not exceed 45 °. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes, over time, the load must be increased.
It is recommended to take daily walks, at least half an hour. Swimming is an effective remedy, you should visit the pool once a week.
Other treatments
It is not necessary to focus only on the main component of the treatment, because the effect of the drugs can be significantly improved with the help of AIDS. Thanks to additional methods, it is possible to eliminate the symptoms, enhance the effect of the drugs and reduce the risk of relapse.
The doctor's basic recommendation is to use the correct diet. It is possible to use folk remedies. To determine the correct diet, it is recommended to consult a nutritionist to find the best foods to normalize blood circulation. There are general principles that must be followed:
- Eat lots of vegetables, preferably raw;
- Eat more berries or fruits, preferably raw, but frozen or dried fruits are suitable in winter;
- Add nuts and vegetables to foods;
- There are many seafoods;
- For cooking, give preference to linseed oil or olive oil;
- Exclude fried, fatty, spicy, smoked, salty and sweet foods from the diet;
- Completely abandon alcohol, coffee and cigarettes.
Lifestyle plays an important role, it is important to spend time in active rest, using cycling, walking, exercises, dancing, swimming. To maintain the normal condition of the legs, gymnastics should be done daily. When standing or sitting for a long time, it is recommended to charge it periodically every 2 hours.
An important condition for the rehabilitation and prevention process is the use of compression underwear. It compresses the legs, so the blood supply to the legs occurs through the saphenous veins, and the load is removed from the visible vessels. They are linens with different levels of compression, the attending physician will provide information on the requested form.
Traditional medicine recipes

Popular recipes are very popular today, as some plants have a powerful effect in relieving the symptoms of the disease.
The most popular folk remedies:
- Horse chestnut, almost all of its derivatives are used;
- Inflorescences of white wattle;
- Lilac flowers;
- Swamp creeper leaves;
- Grape leaves;
- Wormwood leaves;
- Willow bark;
- The stems are celandine.
The plants are prepared in the form of tincture. Add 2-4 tablespoons. I. selected raw materials and pour 0, 5 liters of alcohol. Insist for 2 weeks in a place inaccessible to the sun. Use a strained liquid for the lotions, leaving them overnight.
Treatment during pregnancy
Therapy during pregnancy should be chosen only by a doctor who will give preference to drugs without contraindications during this period. Usually, preventive measures are selected: diet, gymnastics and creams are also used.
For pregnant women, tinctures of absinthe, chamomile, hops and marigold are recommended. They are put on as lotions or compresses at night. At the same time, it is important to avoid hot baths, saunas and not to use alcoholic solutions inside.